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In the process of more display beds


Removal & Replant of older home with low maintenance dwarf plants

Conifers and flowering shrubs for year around color


Nice wide beds prepared with soil conditioners and organic fertilizer

Plenty of growing space for the plants to mature and add value to the property

(After)Landscape Renovation

(After)Landscape Renovation

(After)Pinus `Sherwood Compacta' aristata

(After)Low maintance

(After)Low maintance plants

(After)Low Maintance Plant

(Before)Over grown mess

(Before)Over grown common type plants

(Before)Bad security(Blind spot at a bad place)

(Before) Over grown Viburnum

(Before) tear out


Nice landscape job in shady area

Once over grown, no more

Paver job

Paver job

Paver job

Paver job

Paver job

Paver job

Paver job

Paver job

Paver job

Retaining Wall

Retaining Wall

Retaining Wall

Retaining Wall

Retaining Wall

Retaining Wall

Retaining Wall

Good year around color with very low maintance

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